Thursday, January 6, 2011


A post about salt you ask?  How much can you actually say about one spice?  Well my friends, it can get prolific when you're talking about tiny grains that change your entire outlook on food. I used to never think much about salt, but once you've had really good finishing salt - I'm not talking what's in the shaker at Denny's - sprinkled lightly on fresh tomatoes, you'll feel like you've been sleeping until that very first bite.

My current go-to salt for a dish like this is Fleur de Sel, French sea salt.  There are so many salts with just as many flavors, some are smoky, some nutty, some briny, and all add a slightly different dimension to your food.  Start experimenting, and you'll find that the tiniest bit of quality salt can go along way in making a simple dish something divine.

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